I think it's important to state your intentions right out of the gate. This is what I hope to achieve, this is where I'm looking to go. Which is not to say I'll be sticking to a strict regiment, rather that should I start to veer off into an unfocused and ultimately pointless tangent, I have an anchor to keep me grounded. Something to go back to.
There are many rules in place that keep this society going. Red means stop, Green means go, 1o items or less is the express lane, please have deposit slip completed before reaching the front of the line. These are rules and regulations that act as guidelines in our daily lives. They are part of the collective agreement that supports the otherwise chaotic movement of every hour, every day.
However, there is an even more important set of rules that governs nearly all of our actions.
The Understood (and oft unspoken) Rules of Society. This unsigned contract that we have (yes, you and me) is what allows the greater 'us' and the specific 'you' to function within, and without, the Circle of Contact. Every single person you see, each and every voice you hear, is another author of this ever changing parchment. We are all responsible for writing, enforcing, and amending these rules and regulations.
This is how we operate and to deny that fact is to deny your sphere of influence.
That being said (or written, as the case may be), my goal is to open a discussion on what's working, what's not, and what could use a little shaking up.
A conversation goes two ways, so if you have any insight, experience, or issue with the rules 'we' have agreed not to officially agree to, then let your voice be heard.
End of line.